Beautiful Distractions
Beautiful distractions
Come into form
All around me
When I was of the world
I would have collected these
And spent hours, if not days
Lost in their glory
They are still such tender,
Beautiful things.
Is my ability to turn away
And focus my eyes
On greater Kings
But this kaleidoscope
Of beautiful eyes
On kind guys
And whiskey
And a soft melody
Almost dissuades me
To slip between softer sheets
And pray he is true to me
But we already know this dance, don’t we?
I got caught up in the rhythm
And almost took steps
That came like muscle memory
To my dancers feet
Yes when I was of the world
I would have twirled
With my skirt up all around me
And laughed and smiled and found solace
Even if but for a little while
In a kind smile
But now I’m trying
To stay focused
On bigger things
Inside of me
And to stay satisfied
With the peace